Home [ volontiranje ] Prolećni kampovi u Belgiji

Prolećni kampovi u Belgiji


 MANU MUNDO (Boom, near Antwerpen) 4/5 – 17/5

Mano Mundo is a free and family-minded festival during 2 days (12-13/5) with 80.000 visitors. World music, visual acts and workshops (like the living library) bring the visitor closer to the richness and difference between cultures in Belgium and in the world. The following ideas are important to the festival: the global aspect, interculturality, environment-friendly and sustainability.

W: first week preparation and decoration of the world-do-village.
This is an intercultural place within the festival where there is space for a fair-trade café, workshops, poetry, performances, ….

During the festival occasional support of the activities in the world-do-village.

After the festival dismantling the world-do-village.

NA FIR BOLG (Vorselaar near Antwerp) 24/6 – 07/07

Is a three day family festival (29/6-1/7) with the focus on folk music, they received last year 6000 spectators. The organisation started 11 years ago out of different groups who needed funding for environmental investments. On this moment they want to provide an alternative for commercial festivals.
For this they choose to work only with volunteers.

W: building up and braking down of the festival, electricity, water, tents, also creative input like decoration.

Zainteresirani se mogu javiti na outgoing@cmlivno.org
Više informacija na www.kampovi.ba.