Home [treninzi] Call for Participants from Serbia Youth exchange in Albania „Building Co-operation ...

Call for Participants from Serbia Youth exchange in Albania „Building Co-operation Societies”


hajdedaFollowing the discussion during the Regional Network Meeting of Western Balkans in Serbia in 2014, organizations from Albania and Serbia, together with Olof Palme International Centre, have identified a need for more intensive and concrete cooperation between young people from Serbia, Kosovo and Albania. As a response, the idea Youth exchange was born in order to create a space for young people from three countries to learn from each other’s experience and provide space for cooperation among young people from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia.



  • To promote the enlargement of best practices of cooperation in the region between youth groups

  • To create links and trust between youth groups in order to influence local communities and their peers on regional cooperation.

  • To address negative stereotypes and encourage cooperation of youth groups in common regional projects and actions


Youth exchange will last 4 days (arrival and departure included) bringing young people from Serbia, Kosovo and Albania. The focus of the youth exchange will be addressing obstacles and opportunities for building a co-operative civil society in between youth and provide space for cooperation among young people from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia.

Some of the topic of youth exchange will be reconciliation-concepts and principles; what does reconciliation look like?; discussion on the concept of reconciliation, including principles, such as ownership, inclusiveness, communication, cultural adaptation, appropriate timing and consultations; thematic workshops dealing with human rights using theatre, drawing and music; the relationship between truth, justice and reconciliation and Gender dimension; the role of Civil Society and other stakeholders in reconciliation processes; performing activity outdoor for the media and public.


The participants of the exchange have to be:

  • Young people or youth workers interested in the topic of the exchange

  • Be aged between 18 – 25

  • Be highly motivated to work in intercultural surrounding and learn from it and in it

  • Be willing to participate actively

  • Be available to participate in all days of the exchange

  • Be able to work in English.


The candidate from Serbia applying for the Youth exchange should apply using application form. In case you have additional questions, please use following contacts: suzana@hajdeda.org.rs and 011 3233 634.

Deadline for submitting application forms is Noveber 18th, 2015! Late applications will not be considered! Only selected candidates and those in the waiting list will be informed, by 20th Novembre 2015. If you are unable to actively attend all the activities, please do not apply.