Home [treninzi] Training course “I Take ACTion” that will be held in Vrnjačka banja

Training course “I Take ACTion” that will be held in Vrnjačka banja


KOMPAS – Creative youth center of Pancevo for fighting against AIDS gives young people the opportunity to participate on an ERASMUS+ training course “I Take ACTion” that will be held in Vrnjačka banja from 15 – 23. October.



Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) consist of a specific body of techniques designed to teach people how to activate themselves and take control of situations, rather than passively allowing things to happen to them. The term “spectator” brands the participants as less than human, hence, is necessary to humanize them.
In the Theatre of the Oppressed, the audience becomes active, such that as “spect-actors” they explore, show, analyze and transform the reality in which they are living. It is crucial to restore to them their capacity for action in all its fullness. Through Theatre of the Oppressed we can liberate and better understand ourselves, our communities and our world.

•The programme will consist of discussion, experimentation and practice. It will be run by experienced practitioners and trainers and will be responsive, based on the changing learning needs of the participants. Methods will include: Theatre techniques, self – assessment, small group work, theatre, visual mapping, natural art, evaluation techniques and self reflection. This training course is based on the methodology of non – formal education. Formal, non – formal and informal learning will happen during the programme.
The training will not focus on international youth project management, but rather will take a look at the quality and innovativeness of international projects from the inclusive practical perspective. Moreover, we want to inform youth workers, motivate them to get involved in discussion and action.

The learning objectives of the training course are the following:
• Gaining more knowledge and developing new skills regarding discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes recognition
• Empathizing with the position of the oppressed, and her/his personal, social and professional development during different youth work activities;
• Promoting an anti-discrimination, inclusive speech and approach on every level, particularly on the basis of sensitive social groups identity, as the only acceptable method of communication and of resolving conflict;
• Developing skills on creating stories, theatre plays, workshops, and informational campaign for promoting tolerance, politically sensitive and non hate speech and action;
• Encouraging young people’s active participation in society, and especially to empower youth to take an active role in their communities in fighting discrimination;
• Gaining knowledge and developing new skills on Youthpass as a recognition tool for non-formal learning;
• To raise awareness of the key competences and develop different methods that can be used in practice within sensitive group activities;
• To prepare quality practical and sensitive projects among EU and EECA countries, matching the new requirements of Erasmus+ program with their organization;
• To offer the opportunity of meeting possible partner groups among EU and EECA countries.

The Aim on this training is: Raise awareness of 31 youth workers from 9 countries about social inclusion, develop variety of non-formal skills, knowledge and attitudes regarding theoretical and practical frames for inclusion, and wider implementation in practical youth work.

Working language on the training course: English

Fee cost for the whole training course which includes (food, accommodation cost and work material): 10 euro

Also, all travel costs are covered by Our Organization, and will be refunded by the arrival of the participants.

Here you can find the application form: https://goo.gl/rWtFX3

The deadline for sending the application form is the 10. October till midnight

Only the participants who are shortlisted will be contacted for a skype interview.

If u have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on our mail address: