Home [njuz] Balkan action/2015 Youth Academy

Balkan action/2015 Youth Academy

We are happy to announce that the Balkan action/2015 Youth Academy (#BA2015YA) is taking place in Struga, Macedonia from 1 until 4 August 2015. Balkan action/2015 Youth Academy is a training and networking event for 30 young people in the Balkans. The role of the academy is to build capacities on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to motivate and engage the young multipliers from Balkans in the action/2015 and the further mobilisation of the communities in SDGs and related processes such as COP21. The Balkan action/2015 Youth Academy is organised by the Centre for Human Rights and Development Studies (CHRDS), Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Beyond Barriers, and it is a part of the action/2015 campaign.
If you are considering yourself a youth leader, influential social media activist and young journalist from the participating countries (Serbia, Macedonia and Albania) you are kindly invited to be part of this special and unique opportunity to be on the forefront of the mobilization efforts for better and sustainable future.
Applications are currently open and can be accessed here. Please find the call for participants and more information about the #BA2015YA on this link
In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact us at info@balkanaction2015.org.