Home [konkursi] PeaceNexus Fund – New Organisational Development Call 2015

PeaceNexus Fund – New Organisational Development Call 2015


mjuza35Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play a crucial role in peacebuilding. They face exceptionally high organisational learning and adaptation requirements. PeaceNexus is committed to investing both funding and process support to enable peacebuilding NGOs to better manage their change, growth and learning processes.


The 2015 call for proposals is open to NGOs with an explicit peacebuilding mandate that operate internationally (in at least five countries, anywhere in the world) and to local organisations operating in one of the countries listed below:

  • West Africa: Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Sierra Leone, Senegal, The Gambia
  • The Balkans: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia

Application guidelines (technical):

Please download and read the following documents (we recommend to use google chrome or internet explorer):

The deadline for submitting an Expression of Interest is February 11, 2015.

Please find descriptions of previous OD processes supported by PeaceNexus here.

If you have any questions, please send an email with your questions and your contact details to david.mueller@peacenexus.org. Please refrain from phone inquiries, we will arrange for a phone call if necessary.

Once you have completed your Expression of Interest, please submit it (either as a word or pdf document) to the following email address: p97-yq52@projectinbox.projectplace.com

You will get the following message as confirmation:

NGO - OD15

Please note the ID number given (1 in the example) for future reference with PeaceNexus.

Please do NOT use the projectplace email address for further inquiries or follow up correspondence. The projectplace platform serves solely for our internal project management purposes. There is no need to sign up to projectplace or click on the links in the confirmation message.

We will inform you on the outcome of the selection process in early April 2015. If we need additional information in the meantime, we will contact you by phone or email.

Many thanks for your consideration and your interest,

The PeaceNexus Team