Home [treninzi] Call for participants: Training seminar: “Virtual action for real reaction”

Call for participants: Training seminar: “Virtual action for real reaction”


sample2NGO Libero with its partners from Bosnia, Macedonia , Montenegro and Belgium and with support of European Youth Foundation is organizing training seminar „Virtual action for real reaction“. This training seminar will be held in Zlatibor (Serbia) from 26th of September to 2nd of October 2014.


„Virtual action for real reaction“ has a goal to train young people to learn how to become “transmitters” of messages their “virtual communities” and how to actively participate in their community using social networks. It is our goal to equip young people with knowledge and skills to become online activists.

If you are:

– motivated to become online activist

– Between 18 and 30 years old

-citizen of Council of Europe member state

Join us in making changes in our online and offline communities.

If you are interested to participate in this event please write us at office@libero.org.rs and our organization team will respond to you with more details and application form.

Applications can be submitted till 1st September 2014. Selection will be based on quality of nominations submitted.