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Reporting EU Integrations


key.jpgThe journalists from Albania, Belarus, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia can apply on Transitions Online journalism training project aimed at helping reporter from those countries to obtain the skills and knowledge necessary to report on issues related to European integration.

The year-long project includes distance learning and learning-by-doing components as well as a seminar on reporting EU issues which will be held in Prague in late September.

The project’s working language is English.

During the training participants will broaden their knowledge of the politics and economics of the European accession process and became familiar with the work of the Brussels bureaucracy.

Scholars, policy makers and senior journalists will share their insights on a range of topics:
· economics of enlargement
· experiences of the new member states
· trade liberalization in SEE,
· trade between the new member states on the one side and the SEE and former Soviet states on the other;
· how to navigate the European Council and Commission;
· how journalists can decipher EU jargon and navigate Brussels.

The application should contain:
canidadate’s CV
the cover letter

All applications with “ Reporting EU Integration” in the subject line you can send to training@tol.org by August 15 2007.