Home [treninzi] CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS International Youth Camp Dialogue 2014

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS International Youth Camp Dialogue 2014


default en-dialogue-1What? An international youth camp to consolidate the efforts and experiences of youth and ethno-cultural organizations from the Russian Federation, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Council of Europe member states for promotion of values and ideas of Intercultural Dialogue on local level.


The Council of Europe is now launching the call for participants from its member states (other than the Russian Federation).

Interested Russian candidates should consult the website of the National Youth Council of Russia (www.youthrussia.ru) or address their quest to NYCR@yandex.ru 

When? June 22-27, 2014

Where? Cultural-educational touristic centre “Ethnomir”,
Kaluga region, Russian Federation

Deadline: May 5, 2014

All candidates should apply by filling the application form available at http://youthapplications.coe.int/Application-forms/International-Youth-Camp-Dialogue-2014