Home [treninzi] Konkurs za učesnike/ce na program NFE: Let the Young People Learn

Konkurs za učesnike/ce na program NFE: Let the Young People Learn


strugaCentar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju ima zadovoljstvo da vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za učesnike/ce na trening kurs “ NFE: Let the Young People Learn ” koji će se održati u Strugi na obali Ohridskog jezera, Makedonija od 01-10 marta 2014. godine.


Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 18 do 26 godina. Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem apliacione forme (ispod), za više informacija pišite na mail office@crps.org.rs sa nazivom mail-a “PP/ za NFE” ili pozovite 063/8329542 od 12 do 16 časova.

Organizator snosi troškove smeštaja i hrane. Učesnicima će biti refundirano 70% troškova puta. Radni jezik je engleski.

Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.

Važni datumi:
27-03.02.2014 – Rok za prijave
04.02.2014 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika
06.02.2014 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 15) za odabrane učesnike
08.02.2014 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću
Februar 2014 – Orijentacioni sastanci (rezervacije karata, priprema internacionalne večeri)
01-10.03.2014 – Struga (na obali Ohridskog jezera) Makedonija

Training course NFE: Let the Young People Learn focus on non-formal education as a way of empowering and activating young people and providing them an opportunity for developing life skills needed to succeed.

NFE: Let the Young People Learn aims to tackle non-formal education as important feature of YiA Programme with goal to provide experienced youth workers. leaders, newcomers in the field of youth work an opportunity to increase their understanding of non-formal education and abilities to use different methods based on non-formal education especially for empowering young people facing social exclusion and its consequences.

Within 8 – days training course that will include outdoor challenges, simulations, role plays, group works, discussions as theoretical insights 28 participants coming from Azerbaijan, Russia, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Malta, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Spain and Macedonia will have an opportunity to develop their skills (facilitation, communication, team work and leadership) as increase their knowledge about non-formal education and its methods needed when implementing activities that are relevant to needs of disadvantaged groups.

Moreover during the training course the participants will also share their best practices in the field of non-formal learning, discuss obstacles connected with recognition of the skills acquired through non-formal education in participant’s countries as brainstorm possible steps that can be undertaken by the participants of the training course in way to support recognition of non-formal education.

The results of participants work will be afterwards gathered in e-guideline providing anyone interested an opportunity to strength their understanding of non-formal education and its methods.

Struga located at the bank of Ohrid lake. Struga has good connection with Skopje as you can reach Struga from Sofia or Belegrade.

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