Home [treninzi] Projekat namenjen mladima iz Beograda i Đevđelije – ME AND MY SOCIETY

Projekat namenjen mladima iz Beograda i Đevđelije – ME AND MY SOCIETY


If you are 16-27 years old and you live in Gevgelija or Belgrade, write an essay up to 450 words: YOU CAN (NOT) BE AN ACTIVE CITIZEN!



We are waiting for your creative essay that will include your viewpoint of the civil engagement and youth activism in your living place, along with your CV on our e-mail  info@slozuvalka.org.mk until November 5th. The best ten essays will take part in a three-day workshop in Gevgelija, Macedonia, starting 22-24 November. The official language of the workshop will be English.




We will have three days to discuss topics related to active citizens and project management. This is going to be a chance for young people from Macedonia (Gevgelija) and Serbia (Belgrade) to exchange their experiences and ideas and familiarize them with the different viewpoints of the same problem. The workshop will be hеld in relaxed non-formal atmosphere and it will include interactive educational games.


Accommodation and two meals (lunch and dinner) will be covered. Travel costs for participants from Belgrade will be covered up to 45 EUR.


If you have any doubts or unanswered questions, feel free to contact us at  info@slozuvalka.org.mk .



Activism has many different forms, it can be fun and productive – join us and let’s prove together that being active is not equal to “being boring”!