Home [treninzi] Seminar on the role of local youth participation for enhancing access to...

Seminar on the role of local youth participation for enhancing access to social rights for young people


The Youth Department, in co-operation with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, within the Enter! project on access to social rights, will organise a seminar on the role of youth participation in supporting young people’s access to social rights on 13 – 15 November 2013, in Strasbourg.

The seminar will bring together some 40 youth workers and youth leaders, local decision-makers, young people and researchers to identify strategies and ways
forward for supporting youth participation on the local and regional levels as a means to ensure access to social rights for young people.

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All candidates must apply online, completing the application form through this link: http://youthapplications.coe.int/Application-forms

Deadline for submitting applications : 14 October 2013