Home [treninzi] International Youth Conference – Krusevo 2013

International Youth Conference – Krusevo 2013


Youth Alliance Krusevo in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundaton, office Skopje and supported by Stability Pact for SEE, sponsored by Germany, has the honor of invitng you to the 11th Internatonal Youth Conference “EUROPEAN VALUES FOR THE FUTURE OF SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES”.

By pursuing the vision “European Values for the Future of the Southeast European Countries” we strive towards from Vision to Change, to encourage young people to be facilitators of broad policy dialog and to be multpliers of the European values in their societes. Young People, as representatves of the potenttal for the future of SEE and Europe in general, are the key forces in the process of strengthening the efforts of the countries of South Eastern Europe in fostering peace, democracy, respect for human rights and economic prosperity.

The 11th Internatonal Youth Conference is a five day long event taking place in Krusevo, Macedonia between the 19th and 23rd of September, 2013. Partcipants will be asked to book their tckets to arrive in Krusevo on the 19th of September. Departure will be on Monday, September 23rd.

We are looking for 55 youth leaders, workers and actvists between the ages of 18-30 from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croata, France, Greece, Germany, Kosovo, Montenegro, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. We partcularly seek for partcipants that are experienced in the youth field and familiar with the Conference topic, are open to enrich their knowledge and awareness regarding the European values, Youth work and EU integraton of SEE, and are willing to prepare themselves for the conference subjects, previous to their arrival and to do the remote work requested by the team in case of selecton. The conference working language is English.

Partcipaton is free of charge. All the other costs during the conference including accommodaton, main meals and coffee breaks will be covered by the project grants. We regret we cannot pay 100% of the travel costs, partcipants will have to cover 20% of travel cost to reach the conference venue.


All interested are invited to send filled applicaton forms by 10 September, 2013 at http://www.krusevoconference.org.mk/applicaton.php so we can proceed with selecton and administratve and technical issues. Selecton of the partcipants will be based on “first come – first serve” if fulfilling minimum requirements and sending organizaton.


If you have any questons regarding the applicaton and conference in general, please do not hesitate to contact us at conference2013@krusevoconference.org.mk