Home [konkursi] Essay/Photo Competition: Plan Balkans: Europolitan!

Essay/Photo Competition: Plan Balkans: Europolitan!


For many years now, citizens from the Western Balkans have been confronted with all sorts of politics and policies involving the European Union: achieving candidate status, starting negotiations, fulfilling criteria, becoming a full member…

Why don’t we take a moment, change the perspective, and look at things from a different angle – from the angle of an ordinary young citizen? Do you consider yourself a young enthusiast willing to make your voice heard? Do you have something to say or show about the ubiquitous European-Western Balkans relationship? Are you concerned about your country’s and your fellow citizens’ European perspective? If so, this is a unique opportunity for you to make your ideas heard or seen and to have a great summer experience with inspiring young people.
We encourage you to be creative in your response and to submit either an essay or a photo. The choice is yours. Just let your inspiration guide you!
It is time for a new plan for the Balkans: Europolitan!

What are we looking for?

Original and creative essays or photos on the theme:
Why can people from the Balkan countries already be considered to be citizens of Europe?

Submissions should be made via email
Deadline: May 6 2013.

Who can participate?
Young people aged 18 to 30 years from the Western Balkans*.

What do you get in return?

The two authors of the winning essay and photo will be offered the chance to participate in International Summer School Sarajevo 2013 and discuss the topic of “Institutional Reform in the light of European integrations in countries of South East Europe” in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), July 17-27, 2013 (www.pravnikonline.info/cms/index.php?index ).

The costs of participation (travel, accommodation, meals and participation fee) will be covered;
In addition, the best 10 essays and photos will be presented in a booklet. There will be a conference organized in Sarajevo, where participants will have the opportunity to discuss relevant topics with stakeholders and policy makers, representatives of the EU and Western Balkan countries;
The 20 successful applicants will be notified by email;

Selection process:

The selecting committee will be composed of the FutureLab Europe participants in the first and second year of the programme. The criteria will be the originality, innovation, concision and substantially processed topic.

Who are we?

Plan Balkans: Europolitan is a follow-up activity organized in the framework of FutureLab Europe Programme 2012 that aims to enhance interest among young people in taking an active role in establishing the future path of European society and citizenship.
Click here for information about the whole project and its team.
E-mail: planbalkans@futurelabeurope.eu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pbeuro

Essay instructions:
– Each participant may submit only ONE essay;
– The essay should present your own perspective on the European-Western Balkans relationship, focusing primarily on the issue of citizenship and the question: Why are you already a citizen of Europe?
– It should be written in English, approximately 500 words long (max 700) and saved in Microsoft Word format in following form: name.surname.doc;
– Together with your essay you should submit a document containing a short biography (100 words) and contact information.

Photo instructions:

– Each participant may submit only ONE photograph;
– The name of the image file must contain the name and the surname of the photographer in following form: namesurname.jpg;
– The photograph should be sent in digital form, as a picture file with minimum dimension 30x40cm at 300 dpl; the file should not exceed 10mb;
– Photo manipulations are not allowed in the competition. No techniques that add to, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story of the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural;
– A catchy short sentence that reflects the content of the photo, and a maximum 100 word description in English, with the same name as the photograph (namesurname.doc), should be included in the submission;
– The photo should be accompanied by a Word document containing a short biography (100 words) and contact information.

* By submitting your entry you guarantee that YOU are the author of the essay/photograph, and you are giving permission for us to publish your essay or photograph.

*Western Balkans defined as followed http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ftu/pdf/en/FTU_6.4.1.pdf
(with the exception of Croatia which in July 2013 becomes the 28th Member State of the European Union)

This project is funded by FutureLab Europe. Its contents are the individual responsibility of the FutureLab Europe participants who have organised it and do not in any way engage FutureLab Europe or the foundations which support it.