Home [treninzi] Youth And The City Direct Democracy On Spot CDN Seminar

Youth And The City Direct Democracy On Spot CDN Seminar


The Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe  is announcing a call for participants for the seminar Youth and the City – Direct Democracy on spot. This project will take place from the 28th April to 5th May 2013 Azerbaijan. It is so far financially supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the Green Forum Sweden.



  • Time and location: 28 April to 5 May 2013, Azerbaijan
  • Duration: 6 working days
  • Working language: English
  • Number of participants: 40 in total
  • Age: 18-30

Main themes

  • Promote direct democracy as tool for ensurin fair and sustainable development of societies, focusing on endorsing local community as arena for living out participation in decision making processes
  • Stress importance of active engagement of youth and civil society in creation and shaping today and tomorrow environment and society
  • Support participation and strengthen involvement of youth in improvement of urban environment in order to fight discrimination, inequality and ensure equal access to rights


  • Compare direct democracy practices in countries of Europe. Identify mismatches and explore divergence points. Discuss efficiency and differences on state, regional and local level. Mark direct democracy positive practices Europe wide. Explore stakeholders and preconditions for success.
  • Explore subsidiarity as decision making closest to citizens. Learn about European Charter of Local Self-Government. Examine possibilities and obstacles in its implementation in Eastern Europe and transition societies. Identify existing structures and tools that are bridging citizens, local and national governments in decision making process and possibilities for active involvement.
  • Explore strength and range of influence of NGOs and civic initiatives in decision making on local level. Define differences in long term sustainability between participation in decision making and positive action. Discuss practices and results of NGO and youth initiatives in their respected communities. Develop tools for organizational development and access to resources of NGOs on local level.
  • Learn about European Urban Charter. Discuss connection between urban planning and social rights. Examine affections of urban regulations on social, cultural and economical stratification and segregation.
  • Explore role of youth initiatives and organizations in creation of social and cultural opportunities. Learn on positive actions against discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion within active participation in social development of cities and urban environment.to develop methodologies and strategies for promoting fundamental rights, youth participation, gender equality, social inclusion and ecology in our societies
  • Learn about different urban communities based on direct democracy self regulations, such as squats and Public space movements, outside of the traditional institutions of collective politics. Discuss and develop tools for creation of environment based on values of direct democracy, equality and access to rights.
  • Challenge patterns of youth political participation and explore youth organizations as opportunities for active engagement on local level based on residence, targeting inclusion and active participation of those discriminated on bases of displacements, such as migrant, IDPs and etc.
  • Promote multiculturalism, living together concept, solidarity and mutual understanding. Celebrate diversity and importance of active participation of every individual.


We want to introduce and facilitate intercultural learning and democratic methods; especially of communication and sharing responsibilities. Learning is based on principles of nonformal education, balanced input and outputs, with interactive and creative methods (discussions, debates, theater, working group). We want to support participants reflection and follow up by Home Evaluation Groups and Committees (Statement, Publication, Report, Follow up, Social). We support inclusive participation and personal development by ensuring positive atmosphere, diverse methods, equality and when needed positive discrimination (moderated discussions, small working groups, speakers lists).We will support informal learning by intercultural evenings, visit local community. We will give space to Gender working group session, under project objectives, as gender is transversal topic that has to be mentioned. International preparatory team, gender and geographical balanced, will prepare and implement project. CDN Secretariat and Executive Committee will carry technical and moderational support.


Call for participants

Application form