Home [treninzi] International Youth Exchange Diversity Bridge Suceava, Romania 12th -22nd February 2013.

International Youth Exchange Diversity Bridge Suceava, Romania 12th -22nd February 2013.


Inkluzivni pokret (Inclusive Movement) is looking for 4 participants (18- 25 years old) that will participate in project “Diversity Bridge”. The project intends to promote cultural diversity; youth participation and creativity by using different forms of culture trough art. The youth exchange will be organized in Suceava, North East Region of Romania and it will be attended by 35 youngsters from 3 EU countries (Romania, Italy, and Portugal), Turkey and 3 neighboring countries (Serbia, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova) from 12 th to 22nd February 2013.

The main purpose of the project consists of organizing youth activities for a group of 35 youngsters, coming from EU states and non EU states, to encourage mutual understanding and to facilitate communication and volunteer activities, cultural diversity understanding, through the different cultures which they will encounter in this project.

Accommodation, food and 70% of travel cost are covered by our partners from Romania organization Asociaţia Regională de Educare a Adulţilor Suceava. If you are interested participate in this project send application form till 15 th of January  2013. by e-mail address office@inkluzivnipokret.org