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Poziv za organizacije iz jugoistočne Evrope koje se bave socijalnim radom i radom sa omladinom – nemacka fondacija SHL

For more than 20 years, the German Foundation SHL supports NGOs in Southeast Europe who are active in the field of social and youth work.  SHL published  call for proposals for projects starting in 2013. Projects targeting children and youth in the fields of migration, social inclusion, regional cooperation and volunteerism can apply for funding (125.000-175.000 EUR for a funding period of two years).
All relevant documents (the call, funding guidelines and FAQs) can be found on www.schueler-helfen-leben.de/de/home/stiftung/grants/ . If you would like to apply, please fill in the online application, which can be found on www.callforproposals.de. The deadline is 5th of November 2012, 10:00 AM.


Stiftung Schüler Helfen Leben
Axel-Springer-Str. 40
D-10969 Berlin
T +49 30 30 83 16 90
F +49 30 30 83 16 99
E-Mail: projekte@schueler-helfen- leben.de