Home [treninzi] Trening “SMALL FOOT: HOW TO REDUCE YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT” Valeri (Asturias), Spanija...

Trening “SMALL FOOT: HOW TO REDUCE YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT” Valeri (Asturias), Spanija 29/09-7/10/2012.

Mladi istrazivaci Srbije traze jednog ucesnika za trening “SMALL FOOT: HOW TO REDUCE YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT” koji ce biti odrzan u mestu Valeri (Asturias) u Spaniji u periodu od 29 septembra do 7 oktobra 2012.
Ostali ucesnici ce biti iz: Jermenije, Ceske, Egipta, Estonije, Kosova, Litvanije, Maroka, Rumunije, Rusije, Srbije, Slovacke i Spanije.
Evo kratkog opisa treninga:
Trainig course description:
Biodiversa – a young Spanish ENGO – will be hosting, in Valeri, village in the county of Villaviciosa, Principality if Asturias, Spain – the training course “Small-Foot: how to reduce your ecological footprint”. This training course will provide you with some basic knowledge regarding your Ecological Footprint and give you some nice ideas on how to reduce it.
We will be exploring and discussing different aspects of our lives in which we can choose whether to harm the planet or not. We will do this through non-formal education methods (team games, workshops, study visits, round-tables…), combining peer-to-peer education with training and guidance from experienced trainers and facilitators.
You will hopefully come back home with a nice set of tools and ideas for living more sustainably, and feeling totally motivated to spread your learning and to get down to work for changing the world around you.
The venue:
We will have a traditional Asturian big house at our full disposal, located in the rural settlement of Valeri, in the beautiful valley of Valdedios (God’s valley), at the foot of El Sueve mountain range. It is situated 10km away from the closest town (villaviciosa), and 42km away from Oviedo, the capital of the Principality of Asturias, with which it is connected through regular buses. Being located in a rural environment, it is the ideal location to enjoy nature and work in tranquility. This is the website of the venue (in Spanish):
http://www.larectoraldevaldedios.es/. You will be sharing your room with other two or three people. There is a full bathroom in each room.
We will count with our own cooking tam who will prepare for us delicious traditional meals with local, organic and fair trade products, serving as an example of how a diet should be in terms of health and respect nature.
There is wi-fi in the house, so you are welcome to use your laptops or smart phones, although not during the training sessions.
We will cover 70% of your travel costs, to a maximum of: total cost of trip – 220 euros. So, you can spend as much as you want in your trip, but the amount of the maximum reimburse is limited to 154 euros.
Prijave popunite na: http://volonterskiservis.wufoo.eu/forms/prijava-za-uaeeaee-na-treningu-small-foot/ i posaljite nam do 07.09.2012. u 15h.

Ovaj trening, kao i svi omladinski programi Evropske komisije, podrazumeva placene troskove smestaja, hrane i samog programa, dok ucesnici placaju kartu od cega ce po povratku kuci dobiti nazad 70%. Za ucesce preko Mladih istrazivaca Srbije potrebno je uplatiti i participaciju od 4.800 dinara (ako ove godine prvi put ide na razmenu, trening ili volonterski kamp u inostranstvu), tj. 2.400 dinara (ako ste ove godine vec bili na jedom od navedenih programa). Novac ce vam biti vracen na racun najkasnije do dva meseca posle treninga.
Procitajte pazljivo uslove prijavljivanja koji su sastavni deo prijave. Ako budete selektovani, bice potrebno da tu prijavu i potpisete. Ako ste iz Beograda, u nasoj kancelariji, ako ne, onda cete nam poslati postom.

Bojan Beronja
placement officer

Voluntary Service of Serbia – VSS
Bulevar umetnosti 27
190531 Belgrade
tel/fax: +381-11-311-66-63