Home [treninzi] POZIV ZA UCESNIKE – trening u Ceskoj 5-12. oktobar

POZIV ZA UCESNIKE – trening u Ceskoj 5-12. oktobar


Na treningu ce ucestvovati 25 mladih ljudi iz 11 organizacija iz Letonije, Belgije, Nemacke, Portugalije, Albanije, Srbije, Jermenije, Makedonije, Italije i Ceske. U toku 6 dana treninga ucesnici ce vezbati vestine dobrog liderstva u ekoloskim projektima. Ucesnici treba da budu mladi ljudi (stariji od 20, mladji od 30) koji zele da se ukljuce u program zastite zivotne sredine Mladih istrazivaca Srbije po povratku, koji vec imaju iskustva u aktivnostima zastite zivotne sredine, bilo da su to aktivisticke akcije, promocije, pisanje i realizacija projekata. Poziv je otvoren za tri osobe (jednu devojku i dva muskarca).


Poziv za zainteresovane je otvoren do 10.09. u 10 sati ujutru. Prijava se nalazi na ovoj adresi: http://volonterskiservis.wufoo.eu/forms/prijava-za-uaeeaee-na-trenngu-still-words/
Ovaj trening, kao i svi omladinski programi Evropske komisije, podrazumeva placene troskove smestaja, hrane i samog programa, dok ucesnici placaju kartu od cega ce po povratku kuci dobiti nazad 70%. Ukupni troskovi puta su limitirani na 160 evra, 70% od toga ce vam biti vraceno. Za ucesce preko Mladih istrazivaca Srbije potrebno je uplatiti i participaciju od 4.800 dinara (ako ove godine prvi put idete na razmenu, trening ili volonterski kamp u inostranstvu), tj. 2.400 dinara (ako ste ove godine vec bili na jednom od navedenih programa).
Procitajte pazljivo uslove prijavljivanja koji su sastavni deo prijave. Ako budete izabrani, bice potrebno da tu prijavu i potpisete. Ako ste iz Beograda, u nasoj kancelariji, ako ne, onda cete nam poslati postom.
Evo i kraceg opisa projekta:
The extensive experience of YEE working on youth environmental projects has highlighted the particular need for providing young people with knowledge and skills about leadership, and the opportunity to develop and practice their leadership skills. That is why YEE decided to organise a training course on leadership skills in environmental youth organisations. For our network competent and skilled leaders are very important in bringing local projects into European level, exchanging experiences, multiplying and involving many other young people.
The training course ‘Be a leader in an environmental organisation’ is projected for young people who are leaders, coordinators, youth workers in their organisations and want to improve their skills in leading projects and managing groups. 25 young people from 11 youth organisations (from Latvia, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Albania, Serbia, Armenia, Macedonia, Italy and Czech Republic) will meet in the Czech Republic in October 2012 for 6 days to practice the skills of being a good leader in environmental projects. The TC addresses the need of youth organisations to have competent, experienced and skilled volunteers and workers that will know well how to use the potential and energy of young people involved in the organisation. We will focus especially on young people working in the field of environmental protection and non-formal education so that they could pass their knowledge in the topic well, involve in their projects many people and give the biggest possible impact to their activities.
During the training course, we will train participants on how to organise better quality projects at local and international level (especially cooperation EU countries – neighbouring partner countries) and to promote exchange between partner organisations. We will try to initiate the exchange of experience and in this way show various points of view, methods and practices in leading and facilitating projects.
Practical details
Arrival and departure time:
The project will start on 5th of October (Friday). As the eco-center is located around 4 hours from Prague and connections are not the best, we will arrange a common bus for the whole group from Prague to the venue on 5th of October and back to Prague on 12th of October (Friday).
All participants should arrive to Prague on 5th of October (Friday) till 12.00.
The project will finish on 12th of October (Friday) and the common bus will take participants to Prague around 12.00.
Please find the best connections to arrive for the project on time.
According to new rules of Youth in Action participants are not allowed to arrive to Czech Republic much before the project or stay after the project finished. That is why it is important to find good connections – to arrive on 4th or 5 th of October and to leave on 12th or 13th of October.
Accommodation and food
The project will take place in the Ecocenter Renata in Bělá u Jevíčka, Czech Republic. According to Youth and Environment Europe policies, food provided during the training course will be vegetarian.

Ocekujemo vas!
Vasi Istrazivaci
Bulevar umetnosti 27
190531 Belgrade
tel/fax: +381-11-311-66-63