Home [ volontiranje ] EVS u Lisabonu – LDA Niš i organizacija Associação Mais Cidadania

EVS u Lisabonu – LDA Niš i organizacija Associação Mais Cidadania

keybroadPozivamo mlade od 18-30 godina da se prijave na konkurs za volontiranje u Lisabonu, glavnom gradu Portugala.
LDA Niš i organizacija Associação Mais Cidadania će do 10-og avgusta odabrati jednog volontera/ku na period volontiranja od 1. septembra 2012. do 1. marta 2013. godine. 

Volonteru/ki će biti plaćen smeštaj i hrana a svakog meseca imaće obezbeđen džeparac u iznosu od 95 EUR.

Više informacija o organizatoru volontiranja možete naći ovde: http://bit.ly/OuLlsI
Volonter će tokom 6 meseci imati obavezu da volontira najmanje 30-35 sati nedeljno.
Uloga i zadaci volontera:

1. to give contribution with ideas and creativity in graphic arts for the divulgation of initiatives: creation of images, flyers and communication aspects of the Association
2. to learn out working method in making contacts, in International partnership and in International perspectives, meanwhile to give new ideas according to his/her background and experiences; to link the Sending Organisation to our Association in the official Network for future collaborations and creation of projects
3. to help in the organisation and in logistic way to the plan and realization of meetings (International and National level) and youth exchanges with the possibility to join the group and participate to the planned activities.
4. to give contribution to the organization and develop sensibility in the field of art dissemination and promotion, learning our working methods and giving inspiration for new initiatives
5. …to participate into the day-by-day life of the Association at the side of technicians and professionals of social inclusion in order to acquire the tools we give to youngsters and the methods we are used to follow in our prevention-social intervention in difficult neighborhoods, achieving experience in the field of multiculture and border line contexts.

CV i motivaciono pismo na engleskom jeziku pošaljite najkasnije do 7. avgusta 2012. godine na: evs.ldacss@gmail.com