Home [treninzi] Call for participants Youth Peace Camp in Albania

Call for participants Youth Peace Camp in Albania


note2Albania is chairing the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Its ministry of tourism, culture, youth and sports will host a Regional Youth Peace Camp from 9 to 16 September, co-organised with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.

Young people aged 18-25 from Albania, Kosovo*, “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Serbia who would like to take part in this Youth Peace Camp are asked to apply by Thursday 25th July 2012 at the latest on: http://courses.opencontent.it

For eight years now the Council of Europe’s Youth Peace Camps have enabled young people and youth organisations from conflict-stricken regions to engage in dialogue and conflict transformation activities through human rights education and intercultural learning and to gain positive experiences of living and learning with others. Many participants have had a chance to talk face to face with young people from “the other side” for the first time in their lives.

On their return home, participants are expected to pass on what they have learnt – particularly the importance of dialogue, peace-building, human rights as a framework for conflict-resolution and non-violence – to other young people in their groups, communities and organisations.

Presentation of the Youth Peace Camp

* ref. UN Resolution 1244