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“Symposium on Youth Policy Cooperation in South East Europe: focus on recognition of youth work & non-formal learning”


mjuza4We are pleased to invite you to the “Symposium on Youth Policy Cooperation in South East Europe: focus on recognition of youth work & non-formal learning”, which will take place in Albania, 1-3 October 2012. This Symposium aims to continue the reflection and exchange on youth policy cooperation in the region and – more specifically – to place the topic of recognition of non-formal learning/education and of youth work on the political agenda of the countries of the South East Europe region.

News :

The event is organised by the European Commission and Council of Europe through their partnership in the field of youth (EU-CoE youth partnership) and in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport of Albania; SALTO SEE RC, SALTO Training and Cooperation RC, SALTO EECA and Interkulturelles Zentrum – Austrian National Agency for the YiA Programme.

We plan to recruit a good mix of policy-makers, researchers, youth workers and youth practitioners. Out of the envisaged total of around 80 participants, the majority is expected to come from the region of South East Europe, but still a significant number of places will be awarded to participants coming from other regions of Europe.

We look forward to your participation at this event and would be grateful to receive your application by 15th July at 23:59pm CET.

For more details on the event please check the call for participants

For registering use the on-line application form

Contact :
Mr. Srd Kisevic from the EU-CoE youth partnership Tel.: +32 22865002; e-mail: srd.kisevic@partnership-eu.coe.int SALTO SEE Resource Centre, MOVIT NA MLADINA, Dunajska 22, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Contact: Sonja Mitter Škulj, Tel.: +386-1-430 47 47, e-mail: sonja.mitter@salto-youth.net