Home [treninzi] “ANIMATE YOUR SOUL”, Training for multipliers in street campaigning techniques

“ANIMATE YOUR SOUL”, Training for multipliers in street campaigning techniques


book23Training course

26 May – 3 June 2012 | Novi Sad, Serbia

“Animate your soul” is dedicated to developing competencies among youth workers to contribute to a cohesive society through alternative street animation and campaigning methods.

Reaching groups of young people that are excluded, isolated, discriminated, while building a tolerant and healthy diverse community, is always a hard, challenging and difficult task. Streets have a huge potential in terms of informing, making awareness, including and building a community. That said, specific methods designed for street work are highly recommended in this field and especially in times when they are not so widely applied.

The main goal of the project is to develop competencies among youth workers to contribute to a cohesive society though alternative street animation and campaigning methods.

More specific objectives are:
• To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: global interdependencies, MDG-s, social and global justice, social exclusion
• To create pro-active attitudes towards social exclusion and global issues;
• To encourage participation and involvement of young people in social processes;
• to develop sense of common responsibility for the future of their local communities from a global and social perspective;
• To develop practical skills in street animation and campaigning methods (street theatre, clowning, joggling, flash mobs, animation, etc);
• To stimulate the participants to act as “social exclusion fighters” in their own organization and regions;

During the training course, participants will go through an in-depth process of exploring global and social topics and how to apply “think global, act local” motto in their own lives and organizations by acquire new alternative methods for making awareness/information/inclusion. Different “street work” tools and method will be explored and can be used further on in their activities with their target groups and in non-formal education of their colleagues.

The target audience are youth workers (aged 18 and above) that are active in community development field and need to develop multiplying skills in alternative methods as street animation and campaigning in order to reach more target groups in their communities.
Previous experience in local projects aiming at community development or/and social intervention is desired.

Available downloads:

Training overview

This Training course is

for 24 participants

from Albania, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders

Working language(s):



The Youth Dialogue Programme (NGO/Others)

The Youth Dialogue Programme is strongly dedicated to working on human rights and social justice. Its particular focus is empowerment of young people, especially the ones coming from marginalised and vulnerable groups. Most of the organisation’s activities have been implemented on local and regional level, with the young people in Serbia and Kosovo and later on in the Middle East. Throughout the work, we have realized that in these issues, the more global attitude is needed and it is important to emphasise the global perspective and global interdependencies in order to truly empower a young person. The reasoning behind was to develop a sense of common responsibility for the future of young people’s local communities from a global perspective. Therefore, this training course is one step forward in this process that will allow YDP to take its experience and passion to the next level and add the global perspective to its grassroot work.

Contact for questions:

Snezana Baclija Knoch

E-Mail: baclijas@ydprogramme.org

Phone: 00381641208119


This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, the Youth Dialogue Programme is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.This project is funded by the Youth in Action Programme. According to its rules, all costs of board and logging will be covered by the organisers. In addition, the Youth Dialogue Programme is going to reimburse 70% of the participants’ travel costs, upon the receipt of all original tickets and invoices.

This training activity is funded by:

The 'Youth in Action' Programme