Home [ volontiranje ] Call for Serbian participants – TC on EVS in Macedonia

Call for Serbian participants – TC on EVS in Macedonia


work2Youth  in action Programme Action 3.1. Training course. Join the training and join the network!!! ”TOSHYLO 2.0”

Training Opportunity for Sending &Hosting Youngsters with Less Opportunities


A 5 days Training course for youth workers representing organisations who are interested in sending  and hosting young people ( 16 – 30 years)  and wish to join the  establishing of an international structured network to create  EVS projects for the target group.

Target Group:

Youth workers (18+), working directly with young people (aged 16-30yrs) facing difficulties in terms of social Inclusion.


Working Language:




To motivate & empower participants to  improve the quality of EVS projects for youngsters with less opportunities and sustained by the joining of the organization to a new established network, only for EVS projects for the target group.



  • To bring a clear view on the possibilities of EVS projects for youngster with less opportunities.
  • Raising the awareness that an international youth project can have a deeper personal impact then assumed at first sight, and creates opportunities for a different (non formal) approach towards the   youngster(s). As a part of a long term pathway.
  • Stimulating long term cooperation between similar international organizations to create regular EVS opportunities for youngsters from the target group.
  • Prevention of potential troubles and difficulties during EVS projects.
  • to provide pedagogical support and time for the participants to develop their own  projects in the frame of the Youth in action program and in particular in EVS.
  • to support the inter cultural and inter professional exchange between participants



Travel costs:  70 % of the real travel costs will be covered by the “YOUTH in Action” program of the European commission (if the real cost does not go beyond the estimated cost in the application). Accommodation costs (program, food and hotel) will be covered by the “YOUTH in Action” program of the European commission.


Time plan and venue:

Date of the training: Friday 4th of May (arrival and start day) till Wednesday 9th of May (departure day) 2012.

Venue:  Macedonia – Kavadarci (hotel UNIPALAS):

Web page: http://unipalas.com.mk/eng/index.html?hitArea=undefined


Group and duration:

24 participants, all coming from the following countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Belgium and Slovenia ( each country : 6 participants)


Priority will be given to organizations :

* who wish to send AND also will make the commitment  to host!

* who are also open to work with minors (16+)

* who wish to join the network

* who are prepared to invest time for this development, before and after the TC

* who will send professional workers. (or long term volunteers who made a clear engagement!)



The increase of quality of EVS projects and the establishment (by making a charter and action plan) of a new developed network, for the benefit of young people facing difficulties in terms of social inclusion.



Henk Persyn: Belgian, working with youngsters facing juridical and social problems. Experienced in sending and hosting volunteers of the target group.  

Dragan Atanasov: Macedonian, has a large experience in international cooperation and networking. Free lance trainer for SALTO-YOUTH SEE.


To apply:

If you and your organization are interested to take part at the project, please send us your details and the travel details before 25th of April by email.


Download the registration form by clicking here.



