Home [treninzi] Balkans, let’s get up! – Call for Applications 2012

Balkans, let’s get up! – Call for Applications 2012


studentWe connect theory and practice of civic involvement. Strengthening the civil society on the Balkans. Giving you new possibilities for your commitment. Two one week International Spring Schools in Macedonia and Romania set the focus on the topics “ecology” and “civic activism”. They are open for participants from the Western Balkans as from Romania and Bulgaria.  (17.-24. April).  Here participants discuss societal relevant topics, learn aspects of project management, meet with experts and develop their own project draft. After the Spring Schools there is a possibility for project grants and the participation in further trainings. The language in these activities is english.

For the application it is not a criteria, whether you study or work, which religion or ethnicity you belong to or if you are experienced in international exchange or in project management. If you are motivated to play an active part in your society you are the right person to apply for the programme of BLGU.


  • Age from 18 to 27

  • Ability to discuss in English

  • Citizenship of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania or Serbia

  • Motivation and time to take part in each step of the programme

Time frame of the BLGU programme:

Spring School: 17.04. – 24.04.2012.

We discuss innovative approaches to democratization, what democracy means on different levels of society and which forms for active engagement are possible. The Spring School is the starting point for concrete projects.

This time we offer two Spring Schools with two different main topics – ecology and civic activism.

Important note: Candidates from Kosovo can apply only for the Ecology Spring School.


Project Management Seminar: 28.05. – 02.06.2012.

On the Project Management Seminar various aspects of the participants’ project will be planned according to the special needs of the projects. Topics such as time management, conflict management, communication, public relations, fundraising etc. are part of it.

Between the Project Management Seminar and the Evaluation and Perspective Seminar the projects are conducted by the participants and accompanied by experienced Mentors.


Evaluation and Perspective Seminar: 29.09.- 03.10.2012

This Seminar allows the participants to reflect the results and the process of their project. It is aiming at future chances that open up because of the new experiences made within BLGU and of the network, which allows sustainable support of engagement. Participants will also get acquainted with local and regional NGOs and other young people taking action in the region.

Each of the seminars is conducted in a country on the Balkans. The language we work with is English.


How to apply


Apply online through the application form at www.balkansletsgetup.org until 04.03.2012.

Decide for a theme and send us:

  • Filled out application form: Ecology or Civic Activism
  • A letter of motivation: Why do you want to take part in “Balkans, let’s get up!“? Tell us up to 400 words about your personality and your motivation.
  • Answer the following question up to 400 words in a short essay, poem or short story to the specified topics.
  • By applying for BLGU you agree to our programme-agreement

If you have further questions about BLGU we invite you to visit our webpage www.balkansletsgetup.org, to visit our Facebook profile or to just send your question to info@balkansletsgetup.org.


We are looking forward to your application. Keep acting!

The Balkans, let’s get up! Team


“Balkans, let’s get up!” 2012 is being realized in cooperation with the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bulgaria and Romania.