Home [treninzi] International Youth Exchange ”Street pARTy 3”

International Youth Exchange ”Street pARTy 3”


mladi16Inclusive Movement with its partners is looking for participants (18-25 years old) in a youth exchange, that will take place in a Struga in Macedonia, from 10-18. March 2012, with participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Slovakia, Turkey, Russia, Moldova, Greece and Romania.

The “Street pARTy” youth exchange is continuation of the two previews youth exchanges “Street pARTy” 1 & 2 which took place in Ukraine, 2008 and in Serbia 2009, This exchange is an international meeting focused on developing mutual understanding of European citizenship, improving youth mobility in the Neighboring partner countries, raising intercultural learning process of young people and their international experience in general.

The main project theme is street art as an alternative way of expressing actual problems towards the society and also promotion of street art in rural areas. The activity program is based on non-formal and in-formal methods that will ideally reflect and fulfill the project aims and objectives. The expected project outcome foresees promotion of art in rural area and interaction between young participants and local community through street art performing.

100% of accommodation and food costs and 70% of the travel costs will be covered by the project. It is expected from selected participants to be active involved in preparation process which consist of preparation of performance which will be presented in Struga and preparation of intercultural evening


In order to apply please fill and send the application form to office@inkluzivnipokret.org till February 18, 2012.

Application form

Personal data of the applicant








Date of birth (dd/mm/yy)



male female





This e-mail will be used for further communication


Motivation for participation

Working language will be English, please tell us your language skills:

Fluent, good, medium, basic, poor

What is your motivation for attending this youth exchange?

What are your expectations from this youth exchange (what do you want to learn, experience, how can you contribute to the success of the YE)?

The main theme of the YE is street art as an alternative way of expressing actual problems towards the society and also promotion of street art in rural areas. How do you see it?

Do you have any prior experience in youth exchanges, trainings? Please list and describe briefly your most recent experience.

Special needs (e.g. vegetarian, do not eat pork, personal assistant…):

Would you like anything else to add?


The application should be sent to office@inkluzivnipokret.org

The deadline for applications is February 18, 2012.