Home [konkursi] Starbucks Shared Planet Youth Action Grants

Starbucks Shared Planet Youth Action Grants


student21The Starbucks Foundation reviews Letters of Inquiry on an annual basis; we are currently accepting Letters of Inquiry for the spring 2012 grant cycle. Please complete our online Letter of Inquiry form here.

The online form will close on December 1, 2011. The Starbucks Foundation only reviews organizations through our annual online Letter of Inquiry process and does not accept unsolicited proposals. We will contact you in February 2012 if your organization has been selected to complete a full grant application.

A copy of our most recent grant guidelines can be downloaded here. Thank you.

we make grants to organizations that:

– Provide training to young people to develop necessary skills and knowledge to incubate ideas, identify and assess community needs, create a plan of action, execute a plan and evaluate outcomes against goals

– Build ongoing leadership capacity and long term engagement of young people

– Communicate young peoples’ success stories through various media (print, video, web based)
