Home [akcija] Participate in YOUTH for youth project

Participate in YOUTH for youth project


vesti3Have a project, but don`t have funds for it? Did some great initiatives in past, and would like to share? Great opportunity! We are pleased to invite you and your NGO to C:F Change: “YOUTH 4 youth” Challenge http://challengefuture.org/quick/30. We are gathering the good ideas projects and plans that give action on tangible impact for unprivileged youth, from abandoned and illiterate ones to diseased, disabled or refugees, youth immigrants or minorities. Underprivileged youth are deprived of rights and opportunities in life. Being underprivileged can be caused by many factors including the health, family, situation in a country, or lack of skills, money, education, or societal connections. We are looking for examples on how each of us can turn youth “intentions to actions”. By applying for challenge, best projects and initiatives will have possibility to receive funding.

How and who can participate?

Youth aged 18 – 30 are eligible to apply in two ways:

1. as an individual;

2. Representing organization or applying as a group with common interest.

You can apply with brand new project you would like to do in future; either apply with a successful project that was already implemented but you’d like to further develop or re-launch it. The best projects will receive funding. For more information and details on how to apply please visit: http://challengefuture.org/quick/30

Deadline to apply: 9 December 2011. Make an Impact!

What is Challenge:Future?

Challenge:Future (C:F) is a platform for GLOBAL STUDENT INNOVATION COMPETITIONS and YOUTH THINK TANK creating a community of talent and ideas for a sustainable world.

Aside YOUTH for youth challenge, we also are collecting ideas on vision on 21st Century Disasters; and ideas on creating new touristic products for Astonishing sLOVEnia – Old Stories for New Adventures. Full list of all challenges are available here: http://challengefuture.org/quick/

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