Home [ volontiranje ] EVS u školi u Bugarskoj od februara do avgusta 2012

EVS u školi u Bugarskoj od februara do avgusta 2012


book5Partneri Volonterskog centra Vojvodine iz CVS Bugarske (bugarski ogranak SCI) traže volontera za njihov EVS projekat koji počinje 1. februara 2012. i traje do 31. jula.

Projekat se realizuje u saradnji sa školom iz Sofije, gde će volonteri raditi zajedno sa školsim psihologom. Aktivnosti ukljulčuju organizovanje vannastavnih aktivnosti koje za cilj imaju da povećaju svest mladih iz Sofije o potrebi za interkulturalnom dimenzijom njihovog razvoja. Volonteri će takođe biti uključeni u rad školskog parlamenta i ostalih vannastavnih i aktivističkih grupa u školi.

Više detalja o ovom projektu možete pročitati u nastavku.

Rok za prijavljivanje je 24. oktobar, a odluka će biti donešena 26. oktobra. Svoj CV i motivaciono na engleskom šaljite na vcv.ltv@gmail.com sa naznakom “za Bugarsku”.

Project Description: The project is realized by CVS-Bulgaria and its partner school inSofia. Main topic of the project is intercultural communication. The idea is to teach the young students to be open towards other cultures, to help them build open-mindness, tolerance and skills to fight prejudice and stereotypes. It will take place mainly at the territory of the school.

Work: maximum 30 hours a week. Saturday and Sunday usually off. The EVS volunteers will work closely with the psychologist of the school and the teachers that organize the out-of-class activities. The EVS vols are expected to organize non-formal educational activities such as environmental, cultural, social and civic education workshops. They will also have to support the school clubs in their activities – drama club, students’ council, school parliament. The volunteers may be asked to support the organization of the school sports and social events. Sometimes to join excursions with the students. At the end of their project the volunteers will be able to join some of the CVS-Bulgaria camps.

Requirements: The volunteers are not required to have experience in working with children but need to have the enthusiasm for that. Police check (no need to translate to English, just a confirmation from the Sending organization) and a reference.

Food: 250 BGN (about 128 euros) monthly allowance for food. Volunteers will be responsible for their own food.

Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated if possible somewhere close to the school and will be asked to share an apartment.

Pocket money: 65 euros/month

Ernest Kovač

koordinator međunarodne razmene volontera

Volonterski centar Vojvodine – SCI Srbija

international volunteers exchange coordinator
Volunteers’ Centre of Vojvodina – SCI Serbia
Njegoševa 3
21000 Novi Sad

tel/fax: +38121528644