Home [treninzi] Serija seminara o EU za studente

Serija seminara o EU za studente


student21Trening akademija Međunarodnog evropskog pokreta organizuje seriju seminara o EU za studente. Rok za prijave je 30. novembar.

Registrations are open: EMI Training Academy

The EMI Training Academy is a training course for students interested in EU affairs who want to broaden their knowledge of the EU and learn about the reality of working in Brussels, be it in the Institutions, lobbies or NGOs. It is a unique occasion to leave textbooks and classrooms and to meet professionals, visit the Institutions and discover Brussels. Thanks to the EMI’s extensive network, students have the opportunity to meet high-level speakers and discuss a broad range of topics in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Last but not least, it is a great multicultural experience as students coming from different countries and backgrounds get to know each other and learn about various cultures.

Registrations are open for the following sessions:

20-26 February 2012

In order to accommodate the needs and interests of our students, we have planned a special session for students coming from the CIS countries, Turkey and Western Balkans. A special focus will be given on EU external relations and Enlargement. Following the countries represented in the group, meetings will be scheduled with organisations of interest in Brussels, such as Missions to the EU, lobbies, NGOs, think tanks, etc. Visits to the Institutions and other usual meetings will still be part of the programme.

Deadline for applications: 30 November 2011

18-24 June 2012 / 24-30 September 2012

The June and September sessions are open to students from all countries. The programmes will include visits to the Institutions, meetings with professionals from lobby organizations, NGOs, youth organisations, EU Institutions, EU political parties etc. By the end of the week, students will have a good overview of the different possibilities open to them.

Deadlines for applications

  • For the June session: 15 April 2012
  • For the September session: 30 May 2012

Former session programmes

Visit our Facebook page to see some pictures!

Application procedure

Applicants are required to send a full CV (including date of birth) and a motivation letter in English. All lectures are in English, so you should have a very good level of written and spoken English. You should also have a sound knowledge of the European Union, and most of all: be enthusiastic and motivated!

This training is aimed at university students or recent graduates. The age limit is therefore 30 years.

Participation fee: two options

If you pay the full fee of 750€, all your expenses are covered once you arrive in Brussels (lectures, accommodation, meals, local transport). This does not include travel expenses to and from Brussels.

You can also choose to pay a reduced fee of 450€, which would include lectures, meals and local transport. In this case you are free to find your own accommodation.

Registrations and further information

To register or for more details, please send an e-mail to mljacquemin@europeanmovement.eu