Home [treninzi] Trening course EmploYouth 2011, 6-13 October 2011., Sremski Karlovci

Trening course EmploYouth 2011, 6-13 October 2011., Sremski Karlovci


sample_2EmploYouth 2011 is 7-days training course on video activism. It seeks to address three topics: youth unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, and to explore possibilities of addressing these issues in the form of video work, and video activism.
Our main, long-term objective is
• To raise overall public awareness on the problem of youth unemployment, poverty and social exclusion.
Our specific aims are:
• Providing a platform for creative intercultural exchange on the topics of youth unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, and confronting different local (national) perspectives and specific local problems.
• Encouraging youth participation, especially video activism and utilization of new technology and open-source software in youth work.
• Promotion of volunteering as a way of active social participation, and a way to acquire knowledge and skills useful for persons’ professional development.

Training overview

This Training course is
for 24 participants from Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Ukraine, Serbia

and recommended for
Youth workers, Young people, Youth leaders

Working language(s): English

Organizer: Association Kulturanova (NGO/Others)

Application deadline: 23 September 2011
Date of selection: 27 October 2011

If you want to participate, please fill in the online application form.

Draft Programme

Contact for questions:
Vladimir Tegeltija
Fax: +38121528644
Website: www.kulturanova.org
E-Mail: vladimir.tegeltija@yahoo.com
Phone: +38121528644

Izvor: mladi.info