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Training course on active youth participation and youth policy in Republic of Serbia


student1Call for participants: Training course on active youth participation and youth policy in Republic of Serbia
Kastel Ecka, 6-10 June 2011
Aiming to develop competences in enhancing democratic youth participation at local, national and European levels and to further stimulate co-operation between different actors in youth work and youth policy development and implementation in Serbia, the training course will gather 30 youth workers from Serbia and other European countries (mainly neighbouring countries). The course follows-up on a pilot training course in 2009.

The call for participants is open for both applicants from Serbia and from other European countries party to the European Cultural Convention. 24 participants from Serbia and 6 international participants will be selected. The dead-line for receiving applications is 20 May 2011.

More information on the training course can be found in the Presentation of the course.

Online application form can be found here: http://youthapplications.coe.int