Home [treninzi] call for participants for the TC EMOTIONS, May, Spain

call for participants for the TC EMOTIONS, May, Spain


mladi8The call for participants for the TC EMOTIONS is open till 1st of APRIL. This call is only for residents from Slovenia, Macedonia and Serbia.

detailed description and application form can be found under this link: http://www.box.net/shared/ k8tnpvz8oy

International Training Course ¨EMOTIONS¨

L2L how to develop creative emotional and stress management skills

Arrival day 16th of May in Lorca, Spain
Departure day: 26th of May from Lorca, SPain
No participation fee.
Economic conditions: 100% Reimbursement of board and lodging and 70% reimbursement of your travel expenses according to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme

Main topics.
a. Introduction to the topic of emotions – notion, theoretical aspect, physiology and psychology
b. Researching the universe of feelings (developing emotional awareness, and making differences between similar feelings).
c. Transforming mental representation of emotional experience into creative actions.
d. Fostering inspiration through different artistic forms (music, painting, choreography…) that can be helpful in emotional management.
e. Contributing to the personal development of each participant as a person and as a trainer.

Profile of participants:
– trainers and experienced youth workers
– able to participate in the whole duration of the TC
– fluent in English
– over 20 years old


All the interested persons (ONLY from Slovenia, Macedonia and Serbia) who wants to participate in the TC have to fill out the application form and the medical record and send it by the 1st of APRIL to Diego Marín diego@euroaccion.com

the application form and description of the TC can be found under this link:
http://www.box.net/shared/ k8tnpvz8oy

un saludo

Avenida de las Fuerzas Armadas s/n
(Antiguo Cuartel de Infanteria)
30800 Lorca (MURCIA)