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Konkurs Delegacije Evropske Unije


sample_3The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia with financial assistance from the IPA 2009 and 2010 Programme is seeking proposals for actions taking place in Serbia and enabling the civil society participation in Serbia’s EU integration by:
• building social cohesion and overcoming discrimination in Serbian society by
promoting tolerance and cultural diversity , and
• ensuring active civil society involvement in socioeconomic development of Serbia.

The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for consultation at:
Support to Civil Society project office
Palmotićeva 20a/3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

and on the following internet sites:
www.europa.rs, and

The deadline for submission of proposals is 10 March 2011, 15:00 local time.
Information session on this call for proposals will be held in January 2011.