Home [ volontiranje ] Programi dugoročnog volontiranja u Sloveniji

Programi dugoročnog volontiranja u Sloveniji


mjuzaYouth center Kotlovnica is looking for partners for EVS projects and wishes to apply on November deadline. We would like to host two or three volunteers from 10. 2. 2011 on. Volunteers will be working in youth centre and a house of culture in town Kamnik, Slovenia. Volunteers will get a basic knowledge on organizing events, logistic and preparational work, working with proffesional video and photo equipment as well as basic knowledge of media education. We wish to host volunteers for 8 months. Please write to bojantezak@gmail.com and send a CV and motivation letter of the person interested.


Organization: Youth center Kotlovnica Kamnik, www.kotlovnica.si, bojantezak@gmail.com

Subject: Organizing events (tehnical and logistic support)

Dates: February 10, 2011 – September 10, 2011

Location: Kamnik, Slovenia

Working area: Youth center, theater, street theater, open air festivals

Profile: Male, age 18-30, motivated and hardworking, experiences working with NGO-s are desired, no other experiences needed,

Beneftis: Volunteers will get a basic knowledge on organizing events, logistic and preparational work for concerts, festivals and other events in town. He/she will get high level of knowledge of working with technical equipment, specialy audio but also video and lightning support. Participant will be writting a blog about the project.

Financial: 100% of travel costs to Slovenia, accomodation and food will be coverd by organizatior as well as workshops and Slovenia language course.

Example of our running project and other information about EVS in Kamnik:





Organization: Youth center Kotlovnica Kamnik, www.kotlovnica.si, bojantezak@gmail.com

Subject: Media support (photo and video coverage of events in town)

Dates: February 10, 2011 – September 10, 2011

Location: Kamnik, Slovenia

Working area: KoTV.si – web based youth local televisoin, Youth center Kotlovnica, theater

Profile: female, age 18-30, motivated and hardworking, experiences working with NGO-s are desired, no other tehnical experiences needed

Beneftis: Volunteers will get a basic knowledge on working with proffesional video and photo equipment as well as basic knowledge of media education. He will get high level of knowledge of working with technical equipment, specialy video and lightning support. He will take part in media space of  festivals, concerts and other events in town. Also, there will be a chance to participate in different video contents of EU. Participant will be writting a blog about the project.

Financial: 100% of travel costs to Slovenia, accomodation and food will be coverd by organizatior as well as workshops and Slovenia language course.

Example of our running project and other information about EVS in Kamnik:
