Home [treninzi] EuroEnviro2010 – 16th European Students Symposium on the Environment

EuroEnviro2010 – 16th European Students Symposium on the Environment


 The annual symposium for environmental students in Europe – the EuroEnviro2010 – will be held from the May 7th to May 16th. We invite about 100 students from Europe and all over the world to come to Graz and to Vienna, Austria. We have created a program focusing on one of the most important issues concerning our future, “Sustainable Lifestyle – Ideas for Mobility and Consumption”. During these 10 days, various workshops, excursions, discussions and lectures will present an insight into this broad topic. Furthermore the participants will be given the chance to get to know Austria and to meet students from all over Europe to exchange ideas. More details about the symposium can be found in the program (see attached file).

The EuroEnviro2010 is financed through sponsoring. This allows us to limit the participation fee to € 150, (which includesn accommodation, food, transportation, entrance fees and all the extras mentioned in the program) The journey to Austria has to be organized by yourselves. If you cannot afford the travelling costs, we may be able to offer financial support, provided you do not get any subsidies in your country of residence. We will also help non-EU-citizens with their visa applications and provide assistance for handicapped participants and participants with children.

To register please fill out the registration form, which will be available online during the registration period. Registrations will be open from Jan. 18th to Feb. 7th 2010. To validate your registration be sure to transfer the enrolment fee of €150 to our bank account in time.

If you are interested visit our website www.euroenviro2010.com. There you will find detailed information regarding the program and the registration process.

For further information concerning the registration please send an email to registration@euroenviro2010.com.

For any other question contact us via office@euroenviro2010.com.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Austria.

The EuroEnviro2010 Organizing Committee.