Home [treninzi] Training on youth entrepreneurship, Serbia

Training on youth entrepreneurship, Serbia


 Training “Cross-border cooperation on youth entrepreneurship development and promotion” is going to gather youth workers active in the field of youth self-employment.
The training course will bring together 36 youth workers from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In total, up to 30 different organizations/institutions from these 6 countries are expected to take participation in this training. Participants of this training course should be projects managers actively and directly involved in youth self-employment projects at local, national, regional and/or international level

Hotel Aurora in Novi Sad. Novi Sad is easily accessible and is on the route of largest railroad and highway routes in Serbia. All participants will have to come to Novi Sad in their own arrangement, by bus, train and/or (in rare cases and with prior agreement by us) by airplane. Only 70% of bus, train and/or airplane travel costs incurred (including return travel costs) can be reimbursed. Travel costs reimbursement will only be possible if bus/train/airplane tickets are presented

Working language English
25 January 2010

More info HERE

Application form

Association “People’s Parliament”
Phone: +381 16 236 891
Fax: +381 16 213 396
E-mail: // yia@ngoserbia.comyia@ngoserbia.com
NGO Serbia