Home [konkursi] International project competition ‘Youth and Labor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and...

International project competition ‘Youth and Labor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia’


 ‘Swiss Labour Assistance’ and ‘Eye of Vision’ take pleasure in arranging an international project competition on youth and labor. All youth organizations which are eager to contribute to social peace in their countries or the region and have an innovative, encouraging idea to promote labor and trade union concerns with a small project are kindly invited to enter the contest. Eligibility, evaluation and award: The competition is open to all trade union youth sections and other legally registered youth organizations in Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia- Herzegovina. Swiss Labour Assistance and Eye of Vision will select from each country maximum five project ideas (such
as campaigns, events, platforms, trainings, studies, etc.) tackling one or more of the below mentioned themes. The final project proposals will be presented in an international conference where the participating youth organizations will evaluate and award the best project of each
country. The winners will be awarded a grant of up to € 5000 to implement the project. Salaries and infrastructure expenses will not be supported.

Themes: Labor market, employment promotion, youth employment, employability and vocational guidance, trade unions and social dialogue, decent work, safety and health at work, working conditions, equality and discrimination (displaced persons, minorities, women, disabled persons),
social security, informal economy, labor migration.

Application: All interested organizations are requested to submit a short outline proposal in English. It should describe 1. Project aims, 2. Project idea, activities, 3. Budget overview and 4. Youth
organization (essentials in brief: foundation, most important activities, geographic area, funding, contact). The outline proposal should not exceed one page A4 and should be sent until September 13th, 2009, at the latest as PDF-file to christoph.baumann@sah.ch and vizioni@gmail.com.

The submission will be confirmed. Unconfirmed submissions are not considered (in this case please send it again). Once the outline proposals are selected, the organizers will inform about the further procedure to develop the final project proposal and the details of the conference.

Rules of competition: The organizers are committed to absolute confidentiality and neutrality. Therefore we will neither respond to any request until September 13th, 2009, nor to pass outline proposals through to third parties.

Swiss Labour Assistance – Eye of Vision Address:

Qendra Zejtare 64/B, 30000 Peja/Pec – Kosovo E-mail:
christoph.baumann@sah.ch; vizioni@gmail.com www.sah.ch;