Home [konkursi] posao – HR – Office Manager

posao – HR – Office Manager


 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Competitiveness Project, implemented by Booz Allen Hamilton, seeks to promote economic growth through a sector – based approach. Project activities focus on increasing sales, exports, investments and jobs in leading sectors of the Serbian economy. The project also implements several cross – cutting efforts to reinforce project objectives, including an improved policy environment, human and institutional capacity development, and media and public outreach.

We are looking for:
HR – Office Manager

The project has the following vacancy for Serbian National to serve as a Human Resource and Office Manager who is expected to carry out the following activities:
* Facilitate inter – office communications, including coordinating project team activities, requesting meetings, preparing official correspondence, and maintaining schedules for Senior Management team
* Initiate the purchase and procurement of furniture, computers, equipment and supplies as needed for the office, counterparts and Grantees as appropriate in accordance with USAID regulations, obtain competitive bids when required, and negotiate with vendors
* Oversee recruiting, interviewing and hiring of project staff and consultants, handle communications with candidates, and establish personnel files in accordance with USAID requirements
* Oversee the process for registering Serbian employees, administering payroll and contributions for Serbian national staff, monitoring and recording sick and vacation leave, and ensuring that the HR function is managed in accordance to Serbian law
* Coordinate travel for Serbian and international staff, including making travel arrangements, overseeing travel vouchers, and managing ground logistics
* Other duties as assigned by Project Director and Deputy Director, as appropriate

* University / College Degree
* Professional experience in an international office * Strong initiative and organizational skills
* Excellent communication skills in English and Serbian
* Ability to work independently as well as a member of a team

Please submit a letter of interest and CV to: mradicanin@compete.rs in cc of the mail: saradnja@razvojkarijere.bg.ac.rs Deadline for applications: 17.07.2009.