Home [konkursi] European Youth Foundation – Grants for international youth

European Youth Foundation – Grants for international youth


 The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is a fund established by the Council of Europe to provide financial support for European youth activities. It aims to encourage co-operation amongst young people in Europe by providing financial support to youth activities. It concerns activities, which serve the promotion of peace, understanding and co-operation in a spirit of respect for human rights, democracy, tolerance and solidarity.
The EYF provides financial support to the following types of activity undertaken by youth NGOs or networks, or by other NGOs involved in the areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe's youth policies and work:
# educational, social, cultural and humanitarian activities of a European character
# activities aiming at strengthening peace and co-operation in Europe
# activities designed to promote closer co-operation and better understanding among young people in Europe, particularly by developing the exchange of information
# activities intended to stimulate mutual aid in Europe and in the developing countries for cultural, educational and social purposes
# studies, research and documentation on youth matters.

The EYF may support the following operations:
A. International youth meetings for youth leaders (Category A) – including seminars, conferences, workshops, camps, and festivals. The EYF will cover up two-thirds of the total cost.

B. Youth activities other than meetings (Category B)- apart from meetings, the types of youth activities eligible for EYF financial support are studies, research projects and the production of information and documentation on youth issues. For example:
– specialised publications (such as training manuals);
– newsletters or magazines produced by international youth organisations or networks;
– information campaigns;
– exhibitions and the production of audio-visual materials etc;
– the development of websites or the production of CD-ROMs;
– the production of posters, badges and stickers;
– research projects on youth-related issues.
In the same category, the EYF can also grant study visits enabling youth organisations and networks to make new contacts in Europe and thus extend partnerships and develop co-operation.

C. Administration of international non-governmental youth organisations and networks (Category C)- The European Youth Foundation may, on an annual basis, grant international non-governmental youth organisations or networks a contribution to cover part of the general administrative costs involved in running their activities at European level.
The Foundation may also contribute to the administrative costs of international non-governmental youth organisations and networks, during a maximum period of three years, in order to help them to establish a European structure (Category C bis).

D. Pilot projects (Category D) – youth meetings or activities, which contribute more particularly to priority objectives of the Council of Europe. Priority in 2007 goes to projects linked to the themes of the European Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation:
"All Different, All Equal".
A Category D-HRE is a pilot project focusing specifically on Human Rights Education, as part of the Council of Europe's Youth Programme on Human Rights Education.

Applicants must represent either an international non-governmental youth organisation or network, a national or local non-governmental youth organisation or network, or non-governmental structures involved in youth work, from the Council of Europe member states.

A list of the members can be found HERE

For more information on the different criteria of each category, check out the links below.

# For category C, the deadline is 1 February of the current year
# For categories A and B, the deadlines are 1 April for activities under category A and B of the EYF taking place between 1 January and 30 June of the following year; and 1 October for activities under category A and B of the EYF taking place between 1 April and 31 December of the following year
# For category D, there are no fixed deadlines for pilot project applications or first (ad hoc) applications to the EYF, which may be submitted at any time. However, according to the decision of the Programming Committee on Youth (the decision-making body), all ad hoc applications including pilot projects should be submitted at least three months prior to the beginning of the activity in order to allow a proper assessment.

Register HERE, in order to apply online.

EYF European Youth Foundation
Directorate of Youth and Sport
Council of Europe
30 rue Pierre de Coubertin
F-67000 Strasbourg
phone: +33 3 88 41 20 19
fax: +33 3 90 21 49 64
E-mail: eyf@coe.int
Web: www.eyf.coe.int/fej