Home [treninzi] Training for trainers: “Town on Two Rivers: where Interculturality meets Global Challenge”

Training for trainers: “Town on Two Rivers: where Interculturality meets Global Challenge”


 Organisation Kairos Jeunesse, in cooperation with its partners, has a pleasure to invite you to apply for Training for trainers: "Town on Two Rivers: where Interculturality meets Global Challenge", to take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 6th to 16th of August, in the frame of the Youth in Action Programme.

Theme: The project’s base will be intercultural dialogue in Foca, Bosnia and Herzegovina, town and the area around that is slowly looking for it, despite numerous difficulties. Starting from that we’ll search for raising the awareness towards global challenges, sustainable development and environment protection, that will in its turn empower intercultural dialogue and make it sustainable. In order to reach that we’ll use creative methods and innovation that will help produce visible and touchable results. The project will try to advance on the local community level, together with different groups coming from 8 different countries, showing that diversity is an asset for the innovation and creativity. Using combination of non-formal education techniques (workshops, discussions, visits to organizations and disadvantaged groups etc.) project aims to develop self-confidence, intercultural, inter-personal and civic competencies of future trainers by learning together, and creatively changing social practices and habits in the field of intercultural dialogue and global challenges.

Target group: youth workers and youth leaders, with already some experience in designing and running educational activities and willing to do so in the future.

Dates: from 6th to 16th of August (9 working days).

Venues: Town od Foca (Bosnia and Herzegovina) + the mountains of Zelengora

Accommodation: private houses in Foca (rebuilt after the war) and camping in the mountains

Partner countries: Belgium, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia.

Number of participants per country: 3

Special criteria: participants need to be willing to sleep in private houses and spend some time camping in the mountains!

If what you have read so far sounds interesting and you wish to take part in this exciting training opportunity, please send your CV, together with at least one reference from your organisation to balkanideans@yahoo.com, not later than Friday, 10th of July 2009!