Home [konkursi] GO STYRIA grants for Students from South-Eastern Europe

GO STYRIA grants for Students from South-Eastern Europe


 Grant of the Province of Styria in Cooperation with the University of Graz for Students from South-Eastern Europe – GO STYRIA
In cooperation with the University of Graz, the Province of Styria offers a new grant for outstanding students from South-Eastern European countries – “Go Styria!”. In the academic year 2009/2010 a total of 52 scholarship months can be awarded. Application Requirements
Those entitled to financial aid are students from universities of South-Eastern Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova). Applicants schould be at least in the 7th semester of a diploma programme or at least in the 2nd semester of a master’s programme, or already write their master’s or doctoral thesis and must be enrolled at one of the above mentioned universities.

Application Documents
– Filled-in Application Form – please fill it in by computer or use block letters!
Link: www.uni-graz.at/bibwww_s-in_go_styria.htm
– Confirmation of registration for studies (part of the application form)
– List of certificates
– Curriculum vitae (German or English)
– Description of intended aim of studies and/or research (German or English)
– 2 academic letters of recommendation (German or English)
– Copy of passport

Amount of Grant
“go styria” includes the following benefits:
– Grant in the amount of EUR 600 per month
– Waiver of tuition fees at the University of Graz

Contact person in the Office of International Relations
Christa Grassauer
Tel. +43 / 316 / 380-1254, Fax: -9156