Home [konkursi] Funding programme for international youth projects „Europeans for Peace“

Funding programme for international youth projects „Europeans for Peace“


 New Call for applications – Funding programme for international youth projects „Europeans for Peace“ Until January 15th, 2009, schools and youth groups from Germany , Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as Israel can apply for funding by sending in a project outline. The funding theme in 2009 is „1939 – 2009: Friend and foe in the media“. The media creates certain perceptions of “us” and “them”. Under a dictatorship, it becomes an instrument of propaganda. In wartime it is used the support the progress of a war. In a democracy it influences public opinion.

We would be thankful if you could disseminate the information among teaching staff, pupils and other interested persons.

Europeans for Peace is a programme of the Foundation „Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“ carried through by MitOst e.V.
The Europeans-for-Peace team is at your disposal via phone or email and will gladly answer any questions related to funding your project.

Please feel free to contact us under 030/31 51 74 77 or info@europeans-for-peace.de.

Please find further information related to the funding theme as well as to application procedures in the attached brochures or on our internet site