Home [treninzi] 18th International Summer Language School

18th International Summer Language School


July 9th – 27th 2007
The International Summer Language School (ISLS) is organised by the International Office, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic. More information regarding the International office can be found on the following web site: http://international.zcu.cz/

The ISLS was held for several years under the auspices of the President of the Czech Commission for UNESCO, Doc. MUDr. Jaroslava Moserová, DrSc. The International Summer Language School is also holder of the European Language LABEL Award for Innovation in Language Teaching.

International Summer Language School offers various language courses at beginner / intermediate / advanced levels. In 2007 you can choose from the following 8 languages: Czech for foreigners, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish. More information in "About ISLS".

Deadline for sending on-line Application form is: 31.5.2007