Home [konkursi] TC “Protection and safety of participants on Youth in Action project”

TC “Protection and safety of participants on Youth in Action project”


 A main theme of this Training Course is protection and safety of participant’s on Youth in Action project.  Main focus will be on first aid education of youth leaders and youth workers, also TC will involve education of participants about necessary insurance and other measures which are need to be taken for safe organization of projects in frame of Youth in Action Programme.

If your organization is active in Youth in Action programme and work with youth this can be wary useful training for your organization youth leaders/workers.

We are looking for partner organization that:

Ø      Is located and acts in Member States of European Union (plus Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway and Turkey ) or in South East Europe ( Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia , Macedonia and Montenegro )

Ø      Has the status of NGO

Ø      Is interested in the topic of the project and have youth leaders/workers who plane or already work in Youth in Action Project

Ø      Is able and ready for efficient cooperation and participation in project

Each partner organization will be represented in Training Course by 4 youth leaders/workers.

Cost cover by project:

Ø      70 % of actual travel cost from home to the venue of the project. Use of the cheapest means and fares (APEX airfare, 2nd class train ticket, bus)

Ø      Accommodation and food

Ø      Materials for work

Ø      Excursions

Working language: English

Date: 09.05.2009-16. 05.2009.

Venue:  beautiful mountain in Serbia

Training Course will be applied to “Youth in Action” programme by “Environment Engineering Group” from Serbia .

All interested organizations need to send PART III and questioner (bout documents are attached) until 20. August 2008.

Invitation for partners.doc (151KB),


PART III.doc (86KB)

Inženjeri zaštite životne sredine
Environment Engineering Group
Balzakova 11
21000 Novi Sad
tel/fax: +381 21 636 71 39
e-mail: izzsns@yahoo. com