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Dosta! – Regional media training


pastarchives.jpgDosta! – Regional media training on valorisation of Roma culture and governmental policies in media reporting
Regional media training on valorisation of Roma culture and governmental policies in media reporting
Belgrade, Media Centar, 15-16 May

The Dosta! campaign media training will take place in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, on 15-16 May 2007. Participants will be persons involved in monitoring programmes/action plans, and media professionals.

The aim of this training is to improve the visibility of governmental actions and efforts for Roma, as well as to suggest to journalists how to avoid stereotypes when dealing with Roma; it will focus on communication and reporting, as well as on Roma cultural features and traditions.

Persons in charge of Roma issues (spokespersons) at governmental level will be trained by Council of Europe media experts on how to better inform journalists and the majority society about their valuable work, while journalists will be trained to approach Roma issues, culture and traditions avoiding stereotyping information.

Such a workshop will help governmental officials, local authorities, media professionals and Roma leaders to improve their capacity to address journalists and the majority population about the needs for targeted action for Roma, as well as make Roma and the rest of the population aware of the benefits of these programmes and action plans.

Journalists who would like to attend this training are requested to fill in the application form (see attachment) and send it to info@dosta.org not later than 20 April.

Two journalists from each participating country (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”) will be selected by the trainers and invited to participate in this activity.
