Home [treninzi] 4th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues, Prishtina, 9-10.5.2008

4th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues, Prishtina, 9-10.5.2008


 To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is an invitation to participate in the 4th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues. This conference—a continuation of the highly successful 1st , 2nd and 3rd Conferences about Social issues—gathers youth from around Kosova to discuss important social issues facing Kosova.

Ultimately, the 3rd Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social issues aims to bring students from different ethnicities together in the effort to:

• provide an opportunity for the youth to present scientific studies in a professional manner.

• create an environment in which the professional exchange of student ideas can occur.

• create an environment in which youth can engage in discussions and debate about issues important to the region.

• generate new ideas and offer potential solutions to social issues.

• encourage youth to be active participants in society.

• build 'cooperative bridges' among young people from different municipalities and ethnic groups.

• inform public opinion about issues facing youth and the need to solve these problems.

ASK cordially invites students from high schools throughout the region (Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Albania) to participate in this conference. It is our hope that students regardless of their ethnic, religious, or cultural background will gather together and create an environment in which participants of the conference can exchange views about issues facing society in the spirit of respect and cooperation.

Yes, I Wish to Participate. What does the Conference look like?

Students research any social issue they believe is both relevant and pertinent to their society or the region. After choosing a topic of research, each student/group of students must then write an original, well-researched and well-argued research paper examining their chosen issue. The final reports will then be submitted and reviewed by a panel of experts. The panel of experts will select the best reports.

These reports will then be presented at the Conference. The selected students will present in the format of a 15 minute presentation. Following each presentation 15 minutes will be allotted for questions, answers and debate. During each presentation there will be simultaneous translation in English and Albanian. At the end of the conference, students who participated will receive a "Certificate of Excellence". Those who submitted reports but were not asked to present will receive a "Certificate of Appreciation".

The Conference will be held in Prishtina, Kosova, at the American School of Kosova. Participants from municipalities or countries other than Prishtina will be accommodated in the ASK dormitories free of charge. ASK will cover both transportation (by bus) and accommodation expenses necessary for the participants.

What I Need to Know

For those interested in participating in this conference, here is a list of the most important information:

-The final date of submission is April 4, 2008. Reports should be original and authentic. Each report must be submitted as a hard copy together with a copy of the report on CD. Reports must be submitted at the American School of Kosova in Prishtina.

-A maximum of three people in each group.

-Those selected for presentation at the conference will be notified on April 30, 2008.

-The Conference will be a two-day event, taking place on May 9 and 10, 2008.

-Transportation costs (by bus) and accommodation expenses will be covered by ASK.

-The official language of the conference is English. Kosovar students may submit reports in English or Albanian. Students residing in countries outside of Kosovo must submit reports in English. We will provide simultaneous translation from the local language into English and vice versa.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either phone or email (shown above).

For additional information about the conference please visit our website at www.ask-conference.org.
Information about writing APA style research papers and additional guidelines about the conference can be found by following the appropriate links.

The American School of Kosova and the organizing group is looking forward to your participation.

+ 377 44 403 504