Home [konkursi] Wind(y) art – takmičenje

Wind(y) art – takmičenje


 2008. ‘moved wind’ organizira po 4. puta umjetnički natječaj, koji uključuje sve forme vjetra izražene u svim disciplinama. Prijave se primaju do 30. travnja 2008.Natječaj se održava u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Njemačke, od 17. do 31. kolovoza 2008. Tema se odnosi na poznati učinak vjetra.

Vjetar se realizira kroz svoje oblikovanje u stvarima, prirodi i čovječanstvu. U vjetrovitoj formi vjetar je forma i forma je vjetar. Nema fiksnih granica za bilo koju ideju. Organizatori nastoje ostvariti čak i posebne objekte.

Pobjednik natječaja osvojit će 2500 eura. Na sudjelovanje se pozivaju umjetnici svih disciplina: likovne umjetnosti, poezije, arhitekture, izvedbenih umjetnosti… Osim toga, dodjeljuju se i posebne nagrade za djecu i mlade, te radionice.

Od samog početka 'moved wind' naglašava međunarodni i tolerantni aspekt umjetnosti. Umjetnost (i vjetar) lingvistički su sustavi, poznati i razumljivi svuda u svijetu. Istovremeno 'land art', umjetnost ili priroda ili vjetar uključuju različita pitanja (i odgovore) za umjetnike u različitim zemljama, kao npr, u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima, Irskoj ili Njemačkoj. Dosadašnji dobitnici nagrada bili su čak iz Južne Koreje i Surinama.

Announcement „moved wind“ 2008
„moved wind“
wind objects in art competition and exhibition 17th-31st, August, 2008
Invitation to compete
Announcement 2008: Competition-topic “Windform"
In the time of the 17.-31. August, 2008 the exhibition of the wind-objects at three to
five different places will take place in the district of Hesse, Germany.
"Windform" is the topic of the international art-competition's . Sundries associations
are possible: A form that the wind generates or a form for the wind.
Swaying in the wind -, placing itself against the wind; aerodynamically – crossgrained
are conceivable contrast-pairs concerning the topic. The wind as part of the
elements, that designs landscapes as well as trees and stone-structures, clouds and
weathers. Also faces and attitudes of the people are exposed to the winter-wind or
the kind summer-wind and are shaped. The influence of the wind on geological
phenomenons could become a topic, too.
Curiosity arises how artists will assimilate and will assimilate and elaborate the topic.
Variety and cross-thinking are asked and expected from all media of art.
The organizers will try to find solutions for uncommon contributions together with the
artist. Wind-objects and country-type in the widest sense are in demand.
The art-price is endowed with 2.500 €.
The announcement and conditions are published on the website www.bewegterwind.
de. Exhibits shall be announced up to the 30th April,2008. Deadline/
Depositing-date is the 16th June, 2008.
Organizer of competition and exhibition is the District of Waldeck-Frankenberg in
cooperation with the GeoPark Waldeck-Frankenberg. Idea and concept come from
the artist Reta Reinl (www.reta-reinl.de), who is the curator.
A jury from artists, art-historians and people of the public life will award the objects.
The art-price endows 2.500 Euro. The presentation of the award is expected for 31st
of August,2008.
The exhibition is accompanied by a framework-program, that invites to the hiking
and discovering of landscape and exhibits.
postal adress: bewegter wind, Reta Reinl, Orker Str.11, D-35104 Lichtenfels,
Tel. +49-(0)-6454-1445, Fax: +49-(0)-6454-799650, mail@reta-reinl.de www.bewegter-wind.de 1
Announcement „moved wind“ 2008
Basic technical conditions
· Announcement for the exhibits shall be until the 30th of April, 2008. Please give
detailed description, technical information, scribbles and/or photos.
· Last date of entry in Lichtenfels (address see below) : 16th of June, 2008
· The flag or wind object must be wind- and weather-proof. If we have any doubt
concerning the public safety, please understand that we must have the formal right to
reject exhibits without giving reasons, if necessary.
· Also contributions of the representing art and new media are desired as far as they are
assimilable into the Open-Air-conception.
· The exhibits must have suitable and functional parts to hang them up with (seams with
metal holes, hooks, rings poles or stands or something similar. If it should not be possible
to hang up the object on a flag pole, tree branch or rope construction, please definitely
contact the organisers before hand.
· The weight of the hanging exhibit must not exceed 5 kilos. If an object is heavier and has
been okayed you must supply a suitable installation for hanging it up or displaying it.
· The outer measurements must be at least 1m x1m x 0.5 cms. Larger two and three
dimensional exhibits are most welcome (because they look good at a distance). Please
contact us for finding necessary technical solutions of presentation in advance
· Because we would like great variety and artistic freedom the conditions for entry have
been deliberately kept very open. We will do everything possible to find ways of
presenting ‚difficult cases’ Nevertheless, please understand that we must have the right
to reject exhibits without giving reasons, if necessary.
Legal Conditions
· Because the objects are being presented in the open air no responsibility or insurance
can be taken. The presenting artist bears the risk. In the case of loss, theft or destruction
the organiser is not to be held financially responsible.
· There is no insurance cover.
· The artist has to ensure that his exhibit will not endanger the public. He has also to
ensure safety for children.
· After the end of the exhibition (from 3rd of September) the objects will be returned to the
artists personally as arranged.
· If desired the exhibit may be sent back at the artist’s cost.
If exhibits have not been collected by 15th of October, 2008, they become the property of
the organisers.
· The entering artist is responsible for the manufacturing and transport costs.
· The organiser is responsible for advertising, hanging up and presenting the objects.
· Each artist can enter up to three objects.
· The objects must be unique and done according to the artists own conception.
Please participate only, if you can agree with the conditions.
Please announce your exhibits until the 30rd of April, 2008 by mail, fax or telephone. Make
sure that your exhibits can pass the customs and can be sent back.
postal adress: bewegter wind, Reta Reinl, Orker Str.11, D-35104 Lichtenfels,
Tel. +49-(0)-6454-1445, Fax: +49-(0)-6454-799650, mail@reta-reinl.de www.bewegter-wind.de 2
Announcement „moved wind“ 2008
Announcement to participate with the art-competition
Please announce your exhibits, if possible until April, 30rd, 2008. If you want to hand out your exhibits
personally until June, 16th, 2008, please make a date with Reta Reinl. Otherwise send a parcel up to
that date.
surname, name
Curriculum vitae in short:
(better add an extra sheet with
your CV, informations and
photos (optional).
Transport of the exhibits:
(Please delete what not
Submission by parcel/ personal delivery until 16th of June,
2008 in Lichtenfels
sent back at the artist’s cost / collection up to October15th, 2008 at
the organiser
Object 1/ title:
Measurements/ weight:
Short description:
Price/ value:
Object 2/ title:
Measurements/ weight:
Short description:
Optional on extra sheet
Price/ value:
Objekt 3 / Titel:
Measurements/ weight:
Short description:
Optional on extra sheet
Price/ value:
We kindly ask for photos and sketches of the competition exhibits in digital data via CD or Email, if
date / signature: I agree with the above mentioned conditions and that the photos of my works will be
published for free in press, public relations, advertisements, etc.
postal adress: bewegter wind, Reta Reinl, Orker Str.11, D-35104 Lichtenfels,
Tel. +49-(0)-6454-1445, Fax: +49-(0)-6454-799650, mail@reta-reinl.de www.bewegter-wind.de 3