Home [ volontiranje ] POZIV ZA UČESNIK/CE za EVS u ŠPANIJI



Vega omladinski centar poziva mlade od 17 do 30 godina da se prijave na dugoročni Erazmus+ volonterski projekat u organizaciji „Once Cantabria“ iz Santandera u Španiji.

Početak projekta: septembar ’18.
Trajanje: 8 meseci
Mesto: Santander (Španija)
Teme projekta: inkluzija, kultura, omladinski rad, neformalno obrazovanje
Koordinatorska organizacija: „Ser Joven“
Web: http://www.ser-joven.org/
Hosting organizacija: „Once Cantabria“
Web: https://www.once.es/

ROK ZA PRIJAVU: 30. juni (23:59)

Način prijave: poslati CV i motivaciono pismo na sve@ser-joven.org.

Za naslov mejla stavite: APPLICATION 2018_ONCE_YOUR NAME_COUNTRY

Erazmus+ omogućava mladima da uče i razvijaju se, a u isto vreme doprinose zajednici zemlje u kojoj volontiraju. Program pokriva troškove vize, smeštaja, hrane, određene troškove puta, zdravstvenog osiguranja i džeparac.

Za više informacija i eventualnu pomoć oko prijave, možete nam pisati na vegayc.youthmobility@gmail.com


Role and Tasks of the Volunteers:

  1. Daily Activities at ONCE:
    Accompaniment to visually impaired people in order to help them in administrative tasks, like going to a bank, visiting a doctor, running errands and so on as well as helping them to participate in the activities organized by the ONCE organization (accompaniment from their houses to ONCE headquarters and vice-versa and support in ONCE workshops: ceramics, theatre, book reading…, accompaniment during sightseeing excursions or hiking, accompaniment en to events, shows and celebrations…)
  2. Occasional Activities at ASOCIACIÓN SER JOVEN:
    Different activities in the field of organizing free time educative activities for youth and information and promotion of ” Youth in Action” Programme: workshops, alternative educative night  activities (“La Noche es Joven” in Santander), summer camps, work camps, awareness-raising  campaigns and other educative activities , talks and seminars disseminating European Voluntary Service, European activities, blog SVE writing and promotion.

Volunteers will have a chance to participate to make a plan, carrying out an evaluation of some of the activities or (in some cases) support in the preparation and practical arrangements of the place where different activities and workshops take place.

Practical Arrangements:        

Accommodation (shared room in a shared flat with other EVS volunteers) with internet WIFI, local transport (travel card), monthly pocket money (150 euro). Online Spanish Language Course for foreigners, food money,  mentor,  an opportunity to carry out a personal project. 

 Learning opportunities and training:

  • At the beginning of the activity, all volunteers are offered a special training course by specialists in the rehabilitation of ONCE members with recent visual impairment, in which they learn:
  • the history aims and functioning of ONCE as an institution and different services it offers,
  • the meaning and importance of voluntary work;
  • relation with people with blindness and visual impairment;
  • techniques of accompaniment to people with visual impairment;
  • types of visual impairments.
  • Training about Asociación Ser Joven, aims, programmes.

Apart from that, volunteers have the opportunity to participate in workshops for blind people (literature, pottery, theatre, etc…) and in all the cultural events organized by ONCE.

 Candidate’s Profile:           

  • motivated, whose physical and mental condition is compatible with project duties; i.e. a person with no mobility problems and motivated enough (sometimes, the Project activities can seem routine),
  • flexible (the Actividades have no fixed timetable, as they mostly depend on the needs of ONCE members),
  • able to motivate a person with visual impairment to go out and enrich their social life.
  • ready to live in a shared room with another European volunteer.
  • basic level of Spanish is an asset
  • previous experience with people at risk of social exclusion or experience as an animator or youth leader, as well as having worked with elderly, is welcome (however not necessary).

It’s a coordinating Organization- Asociación Ser Joven, which is in charge of the selection of volunteers.