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Tomorrow People Organization


calendar.gifTomorrow People Organization – Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2007
December 7 – 9, 2007, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Application deadline: rolling basis as long as space is available

The event will offer you the opportunity to: expand your knowledge of peace related issues, conflict resolution styles and techniques, share your own achievements and experience with fellow participants and benefit from their feedback while making important international contacts, publicize your research, stay up-to-date in this important field, learn how to reconcile the commitment to social mission with financial returns, and network with some of the leading experts in the fields of social and peace studies from around the world, creating a global network of leaders for life.

Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2007 is a three-day program, which consists of following components: study sessions on the chosen topics related to the peace and conflict resolution issues, presentations of the accepted papers and open discussions.

The target groups include graduate students, NGO’s that handle and support peace building and maintaining and conflict resolution issues, global/local government agencies, academic researchers in the field of peace and conflict resolution, members of the government directly involved in peace projects, community members that will use the knowledge and resources and bring it back to their communities.

The aim of the conference is to raise awareness on the peace necessity and conflict resolution tools and techniques for its sustainability, on the macro/micro level. This project is designed to have lasting effects on the lives of those who participate in the Conference, as well as members of their community. The young persons who participate will gain new knowledge, skills, and resources, which will enable them to improve their home communities and become deeply involved in the global need for peace and understanding. The participants from all over the world will become more aware of the similar problems that exist in other geo-economical parts of the world and share the gained know-how in conflict prevention and resolution.

More information
E-mail: contact@tomorrowpeople.org
Web: http://www.tomorrowpeople.org/peace/welcome_note.htm