Home [treninzi] Erasmus+ Youth Training “StartUP Yourself!”

Erasmus+ Youth Training “StartUP Yourself!”

We are pleased to invite you to the Youth Training entitled “StartUP Yourself!”, organized by Fatima Ház Alapítvány, Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Balkans and Association of European Border Regions, within the framework of Erasmus+ mobility project Network Start-ups 101.
The Training will be held in Hódmezővásárhely from 12th to 23rd August, 2016 and implemented through seminars and workshops.
The goal of the training is to help young people to become entrepreneurs with non-formal methods, by improving their skills and competencies which are necessary in becoming a successful entrepreneur.
During this training young people acquire the following skills:
  • verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • flexible thinking
  • teamwork initiative and cooperation skills
  • goal-oriented thinking
  • project approach
  • rational, constructive management skills
  • decision-making skills
  • negotiation skills
We warmly welcome the youth from Hungary, Serbia, and Germany to apply for this Training.
Profile of the participants:
  • Preferable age between 18 and 30;
  • The applicants should speak and understand English;
  • Interested in the topic
  • Availability to attend the full training;
  • Committed to use the knowledge they gain in their future activity and multiply the results of the training. 
To apply for the StartUP Yourself training, please fill in the application form by 25th July, 2016 via following online form: http://goo.gl/forms/6nc5sEbwkhEbGZdH3
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us: office@cesci-balkans.eu
Best regards,
CESCI Balkans Team
Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives Balkans
Centralnoevropska služba za prekogranične inicijative na Balkanu
Address: 21000 Novi Sad, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 15.
E-mail: office@cesci-balkans.eu